Sunday, July 28, 2013

Counting down the days!!

Can you believe it? It's actually time for me to begin my countdown to 'back-to-school!' Wait a minute!!! I haven't completed checking things off my summer to-do list, let alone finished relaxing with my family...(although, I have been comin up with a lot of great things for us to try-out this upcoming school year!
Please let others know about my new blog! Even though I'm still learning about this new forum, I'm excited about the possibilities!
Hugs to all & enjoy the coming weeks!
Amanda Ware

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Happy Wednesday!
I'm still trying to figure this blogging thing out...I don't think it's brain surgery, but I'm sure there are things I'm not doing right...but I'm going to keep playing around with it.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hey everyone!
It's Mrs. Ware and I'm finally getting around to accomplishing a goal I've had for several years, but didn't have the time to really start....That's blogging!!!
I want this to be a very interactive place where I can keep you (parents & students) posted on what is going on in Quest at IHE.
Let me know what you think!
Amanda Ware